Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Let Me Introduce Myself...

          My name is Pam Lindsey and I am a seventh grade language arts teacher at South Spencer Middle School in Rockport, IN. As a teacher, my first use of online/blended learning was last year whenever I helped pilot My Big Campus at our school. Knowing that our high school would go 1:1 with iPads this year, and that we would follow next year, we have spent a lot of time getting our feet wet within MBC. We have had several before/after school, voluntary PD sessions, many of which I have had to help present. Topics have ranged from useful apps on the iPad to how to create quizzes in MBC. I was selected to take this course because I am always ready to try the next device, website, app, tech idea that comes to my attention. Through this course, I would love to get ideas on how to truly blend technology into the classroom. I’m hoping this class will show me ways to move beyond using the iPad as an expensive calculator or dictionary, and demonstrate ways to truly change the face of education.